Perwakilan resmi institusi pendidikan yang mewakili 10 negara. EduWorld siap membantu anda mendapatkan informasi terbaru mengenai studi ke luar negeri dari mulai Sekolah Dasar, Sekolah Menengah sampai tingkat Universitas
December 4, 2023
Selama masa pandemic, Curtin Singapore menerapkan Asuransi Perlindungan Covid-19 yang merupakan perlindungan tambahan terhadap Covid-19, yang mana mencakup pelayanan konsultasi speasialis, pembedahan dan rawat inap. Ketika Singapura keluar dari fase pandemi, Curtin Singapore memutuskan untuk mengganti Asuransi Perlindungan Covid-19 dengan Perlindungan Dokter Umum/General Practitioner (GP). Adapun untuk peningkatan pelayanannya, yaitu : Siswa mendapat perlindungan tahunan sebesar $30,000 di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Singapura/Rumah Sakit yang Direstrukturisasi Pemerintah Singapura. Cakupan ini memastikan... Read More
July 14, 2023
Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) Malaysia adalah SATU-SATUNYA Universitas Malaysia yang mencapai perbedaan ganda dalam mencapai peringkat QS “5 Star Plus”. Juga dalam QS World University Ranking 2024, di mana APU berada di peringkat Teratas 2,2% di Dunia. Fakta pencapaian APU dalam peringkat terbaru QS World University Ranking: – Peringkat #621-630 di Dunia – Peringkat No. 179 di Asia – Peringkat No.1 untuk Pelajar Internasional di Malaysia... Read More
July 14, 2023
University of Nottingham merupakan institusi global yang memiliki kampus di UK, China dan Malaysia. Juga, menjadi salah satu anggota dari Russel Group. Selebihnya, di tahun 2023 ada dalam Top 100 universitas terbaik di dunia menurut QS World University Ranking. Sehubungan dengan posisi yang diberikan, hal ini membuktikan bahwa University of Nottingham memilik komitmen dalam keunggulan bidang akademik, penelitian dan pengembangan keberagaman siswa. Selanjutnya, University of Nottingham sendiri menawarkan program foundation,... Read More
July 13, 2023
Pertama, Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) Post Work Student Visa adalah visa untuk pelajar internasional yang baru lulus program sarjana di sebuah institusi pendidikan di Australia. Dan harus berusia di bawah 50 tahun. Pelajar yang memiliki visa ini diberikan hak untuk tinggal, bekerja dan belajar secara sementara selama 2 hingga 4 tahun. Kedua, mulai 1 Juli 2023, pemohon visa Australia jenis ini akan diberi tambahan periode tinggal lebih lama 2... Read More
February 27, 2019
“Mengaplikasikan kemampuan teknikal dan artistik untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dunia nyata” “Peluang bagi industri yang terkena dampak perkembangan teknologi inovatif untuk menjadi yang terdepan“ Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality dipastikan merubah dan menjadi bagian hidup kita. Tidak sekedar untuk game/film tapi juga merubah dan menjadi bagian industri kedokteran, pendidikan, retail, sosial media, telekomunikasi, dll. Bahkan sektor properti bisa mengunakan teknologi VR/AR untuk menghadirkan pengalaman berjalan dalam bangunan yang belum di bangun. Pemanfaatan VR/AR... Read More
Eduworld has brought me light to the inquiries that I think, reside in the minds of most people who would like to pursue their higher education; in particular, from assessing, determining and committing to a specific university until helping with the whole administration and the application process.
Jason Yapri, MSc Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaIf I never had the help from Eduworld on behalf of applying to LASALLE, I would have been completely lost. Eduworld has done a great job at informing my parents and me what needs to get done and all the paperwork associated with being an international student. I am really satisfied with the quality of service here in Eduworld and highly recommends to other confused international students such as myself. Thank you
Melissa Himawan, Diploma in Design Communication, LASALLE College of The Arts SingaporeI choose UK and I go to Eduworld because some my friend helped by Eduworld. Eduworld services very satisfied, I don’t need to hesitate myself to arrange all because EduWorld’s counselor has already set up it for me. I don’t have any hesitate to recommend Eduworld to my friends and family who has eager to study overseas. Thank you Eduworld.
Muhammad Lazuardi Syatibi, 20 years oldMenurut saya, EduWorld adalah salah satu agen pendidikan yang paling baik. Saya merasa sangat terbantu. Mereka mempersiapkan segala hal dengan sangat baik sebelum keberangkatan saya menuju Asia Pacific University. Saya merasa sangat puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh EduWorld dan saya ingin berterimakasih kepada Ms. Indah karena sudah memperkenalkan APU. Untuk kedepannya saya ingin menggunakan EduWorld lagi untuk studi saya selanjutnya.
Miro Oestanto, BA (Hons) in Business Management with specialism in E-Business, Asia Pacific UniversityThe application had never been easier, Eduworld being the local agent for UNMC in Indonesia, has helped me to get through the forms, guarantees me a room and provide me with information and insights.
Angelita Lukito, BA (Hons) International Business Management, University of Nottingham Malaysia CampusEduWorld provides a very good service especially for domestic students who consider to continue their study overseas. Students can easily choose which school or college outside after getting a good recommendation from the staff. EduWorld, best partner and a very good representative.
Jenjang Legowo, 20 YearsEduworld gave me lots of options that I can choose and They help me chose the best one that fitted for me. They help us from the start, until everything settled. They even flew with us at the beginning and help us until everything settled. Eduworld is the best option for studying abroad.
Kevin Klensia, 20 yearsEduworld was really helpful from the very start conseling and the process of application. I'm from Saint Ursula High School Jakarta. I choose Eduworld because they've good connection to the university I want to enter. They're very professional and I'm really thankful to them. I know Eduworld through China Education Fair.
Anastasia Cheris, Chemical Engineering, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaI'm gladly to say that Eduworld is a very global education consultant with friendly staffs and quick responds. If you would like to have some consultation or you need to seek for any information regarding to your education plan (study abroad)
Marcella, BA (Hons) Architectural Science, Limkokwing University, MalaysiaMy personal experience with Eduworld is excellent. I received many supports and help, also attention from Eduworld. They all take good care of my studies, right from beginning until the end (accomodation, tuition fees, and visa application.) It was a pleasure to entrust my studies to Eduworld. I really love to recommend Eduworld to all my friends, and wish nothing but the best to Eduworld, and all the person involved. Thank you
Bellarminus Bryan Wibowo, Master Degree in Management, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou, ChinaCopyright © . Eduworld. All rights reserved