Lunchtime Quickies – Mind Mapping
November 21, 2011
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Auditorium 4 – Grd Floor, South Building
No registration required!
November 21, 2011
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Auditorium 4 – Grd Floor, South Building
No registration required!
I always want to study abroad and Eduworld helped me a lot in achieving a personal goal of me. I know Eduworld from my parents. Eduworld is a very cooperative and helpful agent. I would personally recommended others to use the services provided by Eduworld. -Binus Serpong
Lukas Paolo, BA Finance, Accounting and Management, The UNiversity of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaI choose Eduworld because Eduworld is a trusted agent and some of my friends recommend me to use Eduworld. Eduworld helped me to know more about the universities and gave good improvement for my knowledge. -Santa Lurensia
James Oliver, BEng Product Design and Manucfacturing, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaEduWorld has totally helped me especially during the application and administration process, started from giving good references of the universities according to my preferences to reach master degree, inform and alert me for documents and things required, and become a bridge between me as an applicant and the chosen university, until both sides could meet what were needed.
Dessy Olivia, MSc Finance, Kaplan Higher Education Academy, SingaporeEduworld is a good agent for me to study overseas in China. Eduworld told me what should I do to get accepted in Nottingham. I really recommend to use Eduworld to be a helper to study overseas.
Joshua Rich, BA International Business with language, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaMenurut saya EduWorld cukup membantu untuk mendaftarkan dan apa yang harus dilakukan setiba disana. Pelayanannya menurut saya cukup baik, mungkin bisa lebih baik kalau bisa diantar ke Ningbo. Thanks EduWorld! previous school: SMAK 1 BPK Penabur
Dylan Saputra Tungka, Finance Accounting and Management,The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaI choose UK and I go to Eduworld because some my friend helped by Eduworld. Eduworld services very satisfied, I don’t need to hesitate myself to arrange all because EduWorld’s counselor has already set up it for me. I don’t have any hesitate to recommend Eduworld to my friends and family who has eager to study overseas. Thank you Eduworld.
Muhammad Lazuardi Syatibi, 20 years oldThe application had never been easier, Eduworld being the local agent for UNMC in Indonesia, has helped me to get through the forms, guarantees me a room and provide me with information and insights.
Angelita Lukito, BA (Hons) International Business Management, University of Nottingham Malaysia CampusThank you Eduworld for helping me apply to Nottingham University. Everytime I have any questions, the response is always fast and clear. So I don't get confused to prepare any requirements. -SMAK PENABUR Gading Serpong
Lauren Iduansjah, BA (Hons) International Business Management, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaAku milih EduWorld karena ramah & sangat tanggap dalam menjawab tiap pertanyaan aku, mulai dari pemilihan jurusan, universitas, sampai akomodasi. Kak Indah dari EduWorld bantuin aku dari awal apply ke universitasnya sampai membantu mengecek ulang dokumen yang harus dibawa ke Singapore. Sampai di Singapore pun aku masih tetap dibantuin untuk MCU & dipantau terus supaya ga lupa ke ICA untuk ngurus Student Pass. Overall, aku sangat puas. Terima kasih EduWorld :)
Fanny Susanto, BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management, MDISEduWorld provides a very good service especially for domestic students who consider to continue their study overseas. Students can easily choose which school or college outside after getting a good recommendation from the staff. EduWorld, best partner and a very good representative.
Jenjang Legowo, 20 YearsCopyright © . Eduworld. All rights reserved