Dylan Saputra Tungka
August 18, 2014
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The application had never been easier, Eduworld being the local agent for UNMC in Indonesia, has helped me to get through the forms, guarantees me a room and provide me with information and insights.
Angelita Lukito, BA (Hons) International Business Management, University of Nottingham Malaysia CampusWhat can I say? Eduworld is the best school agency. The staffs are friendly and humble, they always ready to help me with the issue that I got & answer all the questions you had. You don’t need to worry, they make your application to the university easier! I would like to say thank you to Eduworld, especially Ms. Marcy because I am now able to study in the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and have many friends from all over the world. It’s a great place to get much information about your dream universities.
Audrey Gijanto, BSc (Hons) International Business Management, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaMenurut saya EduWorld cukup membantu untuk mendaftarkan dan apa yang harus dilakukan setiba disana. Pelayanannya menurut saya cukup baik, mungkin bisa lebih baik kalau bisa diantar ke Ningbo. Thanks EduWorld! previous school: SMAK 1 BPK Penabur
Dylan Saputra Tungka, Finance Accounting and Management,The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaAku milih EduWorld karena ramah & sangat tanggap dalam menjawab tiap pertanyaan aku, mulai dari pemilihan jurusan, universitas, sampai akomodasi. Kak Indah dari EduWorld bantuin aku dari awal apply ke universitasnya sampai membantu mengecek ulang dokumen yang harus dibawa ke Singapore. Sampai di Singapore pun aku masih tetap dibantuin untuk MCU & dipantau terus supaya ga lupa ke ICA untuk ngurus Student Pass. Overall, aku sangat puas. Terima kasih EduWorld :)
Fanny Susanto, BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management, MDISMulai dari daftar dokumen yang harus dipersiapkan, ketentuan portofolio, bahkan sampai daftar barang-barang pribadi yang mungkin dibutuhkan selama tinggal & belajar di Singapura. Saya juga selalu diingatkan apabila ada dokumen yang belum diterjemahkan/belum disiapkan karena proses yang cukup lama. EduWorld sangat mempermudah proses persiapan saya. Stafnya selalu ramah & mudah untuk diajak bicara pada saat apapun. EduWorld tidak mengecewakan saya sama sekali.
Harrison Bo Born, Diploma in Broadcast Media, LASALLE College of the ArtsIn July 2015, I went straight to LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore, but I didn’t get sufficient information there. I was confused! After edufair event in my school, I visited EduWorld office. Miss Indah, EduWorld staff, guided me not only in preparing required documents but also gave me advise to improve my technical capability needed in audition or examination conducted by the LASALLE. Yes! I got through it all. Thanks EduWorld. Thank you Miss Indah.
Jovita Octa Maria Pasaribu, BA (Hons) Musical Theater, LASALLEEduWorld helped me a lot. They gave me all the important information needed. I found EduWorld from UNNC's website. The staffs are very friendly and helpful. I am so thanksful that I found Eduworld to help e study overseas. My previous school is from Singapore International School and I am taking International Business Management in UNNC.
Melissa Anthony, International Business Management, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaSaya memilih EduWorld karena mereka selalu melayani dan mendampingi saya dalam proses masuk universitas luar negeri; mulai dari pemilihan jurusan, mengumpulkan dokumen yang diperlukan, juga akomodasi. Kak Indah yang mewakili EduWorld berulang kali mengingatkan saya mengecek dokumen dan barang-barang yang harus dibawa ke Singapura dalam bentuk checklist. Waktu sudah di Singapura, saya masih tetap diingatkan untuk mengurus Student Pass di ICA. Terima kasih EduWorld!
Andrea Nadya Sentosa, Diploma in Management Studies, SIM Global EducationThank you so much Eduworld! Eduworld is of the main reason I can study in USA now. Eduworld help me choosing a college that fits my need, taking care of my documents, until searching for a place to stay, Basically they’ve been assisting me all the time! Also their staff are awesome! So all of you who want to study abroad you should go to Eduworld, they’ll help you and set you up in no time!
Adrian Zahman, majoring Engineering, De Anza Community College USAMenurut saya, EduWorld adalah salah satu agen pendidikan yang paling baik. Saya merasa sangat terbantu. Mereka mempersiapkan segala hal dengan sangat baik sebelum keberangkatan saya menuju Asia Pacific University. Saya merasa sangat puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan oleh EduWorld dan saya ingin berterimakasih kepada Ms. Indah karena sudah memperkenalkan APU. Untuk kedepannya saya ingin menggunakan EduWorld lagi untuk studi saya selanjutnya.
Miro Oestanto, BA (Hons) in Business Management with specialism in E-Business, Asia Pacific UniversityCopyright © . Eduworld. All rights reserved