Ryan Jonathan
August 18, 2014
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I pleased to choose EduWorld as my partner for my study abroad. I know Eduworld from my school Edufair. I'm going to Nottingham China and EduWorld is their official partner here in Indonesia. Everything is done nicely by Eduworld from conceling until registration. Good job by Eduworld. previous school: SMAK 7 BPK Penabur
Frandi Arifputra Rizaly, Product Design and Manufacture, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaInitially I'm skeptic bout the reliability of EduWorld's services, I astounded of their efforts to ensure my seat in the university I considered.The agent fully assists you on simple, yet reliable list of pre-requisite documents. They even have networks from universities & representatives. I've been very grateful to be assisted by people working here and still in contact until this recent. ~SMAN 8 Jakarta
Seno Triadi, B.Sc Information Technology, Asian Pacific UniversityEduWorld helps me a lot! I am taking Finance as my major in UNNC and EduWorld, informed every little detail for my enrollment preparation, such as what I need for fulfilling the requirements until the details of payment. Thank you EduWorld! previous school: SMA Kemurnian
Finley Delicia Hendricks, Finance Accounting and Management, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaI choose Eduworld because Eduworld is a trusted agent and some of my friends recommend me to use Eduworld. Eduworld helped me to know more about the universities and gave good improvement for my knowledge. -Santa Lurensia
James Oliver, BEng Product Design and Manucfacturing, The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaThank you so much Eduworld! Eduworld is of the main reason I can study in USA now. Eduworld help me choosing a college that fits my need, taking care of my documents, until searching for a place to stay, Basically they’ve been assisting me all the time! Also their staff are awesome! So all of you who want to study abroad you should go to Eduworld, they’ll help you and set you up in no time!
Adrian Zahman, majoring Engineering, De Anza Community College USAEduworld has really make my dream comes true in pursuing my study in taylor's university. I proudly would say that this is the best experience i ever had. I would recommend Eduworld for those who want to study abroad. This agencies is indeed trustable. Thankyou Eduworld!
Marchelia Woentara, Bachelor of International Hospitality Management (Hons), Taylor's UniversityAku milih EduWorld karena ramah & sangat tanggap dalam menjawab tiap pertanyaan aku, mulai dari pemilihan jurusan, universitas, sampai akomodasi. Kak Indah dari EduWorld bantuin aku dari awal apply ke universitasnya sampai membantu mengecek ulang dokumen yang harus dibawa ke Singapore. Sampai di Singapore pun aku masih tetap dibantuin untuk MCU & dipantau terus supaya ga lupa ke ICA untuk ngurus Student Pass. Overall, aku sangat puas. Terima kasih EduWorld :)
Fanny Susanto, BSc (Hons) International Tourism and Hospitality Management, MDISI'm gladly to say that Eduworld is a very global education consultant with friendly staffs and quick responds. If you would like to have some consultation or you need to seek for any information regarding to your education plan (study abroad)
Marcella, BA (Hons) Architectural Science, Limkokwing University, MalaysiaI choose UK and I go to Eduworld because some my friend helped by Eduworld. Eduworld services very satisfied, I don’t need to hesitate myself to arrange all because EduWorld’s counselor has already set up it for me. I don’t have any hesitate to recommend Eduworld to my friends and family who has eager to study overseas. Thank you Eduworld.
Muhammad Lazuardi Syatibi, 20 years oldSaya memilih EduWorld karena mereka selalu melayani dan mendampingi saya dalam proses masuk universitas luar negeri; mulai dari pemilihan jurusan, mengumpulkan dokumen yang diperlukan, juga akomodasi. Kak Indah yang mewakili EduWorld berulang kali mengingatkan saya mengecek dokumen dan barang-barang yang harus dibawa ke Singapura dalam bentuk checklist. Waktu sudah di Singapura, saya masih tetap diingatkan untuk mengurus Student Pass di ICA. Terima kasih EduWorld!
Andrea Nadya Sentosa, Diploma in Management Studies, SIM Global EducationCopyright © . Eduworld. All rights reserved